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Image by Vince Veras

Wool Mulch

Raw wool, dags and all, is a fantastic addition to any garden. We have large bags available for $15 each. Apply around your treasured plants and vege's to keep soil cool, maintain moisture, suppress weeds, nourish the soil and even detract slugs and snails! 

Image by Nima Mohammadi

Drought Tolerant Plants

Not all plants suffer from lack of water, in fact, some plants quite like it! You don't have to put your gardening gloves away if you still want to add some interest to your garden at this time of year. We have a selection of plants that will thrive in hot, dry conditions. Bedding plants like Petunias, Portulaca and Livingstone Daisies as well as shrubs like Proteas and Leucadendrons. Just ask!

Image by Khamkéo Vilaysing

Wind Break

Protect your plants from the wind. We sell high grade wind break cloth  by the meter. We also sell garden stakes, bamboo or manuka, to reinforce fragile stems. Come and talk to us to find out more.

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